Sunday, 28 September 2014

Awaiting The Dawn

The silence in the room resonates in my mind. 
I wake up to an emptiness and go to sleep to embrace the Life in it;
Deceiving myself to be with people who I wish to have around, creating a world filled with laughter, smiles, pains and shoulders to cry on; 
Acting God for a while and Queen in my head, in a Place where I exist even if it is only in my dreams. 
They say dreams are black and white, but I beg to differ.  I say Life is all but colourless;
Because the colors of life is not blue and red but smiles and tears and people to share them with. 
Insanity, is feeling lonely while surrounded by people during day,  and feeling loved when all alone in dreams. 
With the hopes,  the day will be better than my dream,  I wake up to a silence that resonates in my mind,  to an emptiness that puts me back to sleep. 
 A vicious circle it is, of Life and Dreams.  Hope one day I will realise my Dreams and wake up to a colourful scene. 

Saturday, 27 September 2014

A path without hitches, never leads to greatness

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle;they are all great philosophers, great men and never forgotten.  
Socrates put individual's beliefs over society's. Plato who was Socrates's student had beliefs that where different from his master's. Aristotle had contradictory values and beliefs.  Each of them stood by their values and beliefs, against the society, against their teachers whom they respected immensely. 
All these men are greatly respected, for not just what they preached, but because they practiced the same, against all odds. 
Greatness doesn't come with following blindly the "ethics" the society imposes on you. And anyone who follows them,  just because it is imposed on them, will only follow it selectively and that can never be called a virtue. 
Philosophy is not a science to be learnt from books. Morals don't come without the realisation of one's own premises. We have to build our premises, beliefs, Morals and ethics that cater to our own realities. 
Great or not, depends not just on what your values and beliefs are! It depends on whether or not you have the guts to practice them,  without giving in and without bending them! 

Friday, 26 September 2014

Men have nothing to fear! We will never indulge in male infanticide!

Female infanticide is a crime?  But why give life to a girl,  if you are not gonna let her LIVE? 

1. My aunt adviced my nephew,  who is 5 years old and afraid of dark,  that BOYS shouldn't be afraid of anything.
2. When a five year old girl,a smart Lil girl,  in my brother's apartment comes home to play with my nephew,  and dictates the rules of the games, my family comments on her "bossy attitude"
3. I've had students in my college get surprised when they found I was good in academics,  because according to them,  good looking girls are dumb.
4. When I refused invitations to be friends with some guys in my college,  because I had standards,  they started abusing me over phone,  sent obscene  messages, wrote stories  about my body parts and sexual endeavours on the campus walls.
5. Our college principal advised me to adjust with such guys because they are dangerous since they drink and do drugs.  And ironically our college hostel has 6:30pm curfew for girls and free night on Saturdays,  for boys.
6. One of my friends was hit on by some guy,  and her well wishers adviced her to tell she was already in a relationship and not she wasn't interested because apparently,  girls can't have a choice.
7. In a business ethics session,  at the company I worked for,  the speaker,  an ex air force official,  explained how women have to completely cover themselves up so men won't get distracted.
8. When we were getting ready to go out,  I asked my brother to pass my shoes, since he was standing close to the cupboard,  to which my family reacted like I had sinned.
9. Everyone's reaction on hearing I quit my job to become an entrepreneur is,  "how will any guy want to marry you now? "
10. My mom saves as much as she can because the expenses of the wedding should be bourne by the girl's family.
11. My mother's plan for my future: work in tata steel,  Jamshedpur,  until I'm married and quit my job to go to whichever city the guy is in, no matter what my ambitions are.  She is a professor and holds a PhD.
12. So many of my school and college friends I connected with,  on Facebook asked, if my next step in life was to get married.  Why can't the first question to a girl be what are you gonna study next or,  what is your dream job?!
13. As I'm typing,  I can hear my sister in law advising her son,  he shouldn't gossip because only women do that!
14. Every girl's family I know,  wants their daughters to learn to do household work, so they can be a good wife and a good daughter in law.
15. My friend's mom wanted a daughter in law because she was tired of doing all the household work.

I understand men are insecured,  that we might grow and take over them. But why would women be so mean to their own kind?! 

To Each, To own!

At every step of our life we keep looking for answers.  We have this inexplicable need to know it all.  And that's the greatest irony of life.  We know it's impossible to know the future, still we strive to define a future for ourselves.  Every small decision we need to take,  we think about the future and how this might affect us later.
 A person who does this,  is praised and a person who lives in the moment,  on the edge,  is trashed by the society.  But who are the ones that are actually living life like it should be.  Or is "should be" itself  non existent?
Every where we are advised to live life fearlessly,  to do what heart wants,  to take risks.
Shouldn't those who actually have the guts to practice what's generally preached be looked upto? Y doesn't it happen?
 Our fears and insecurities and egos are projected out as hatred for those who are different from us.  And it is the same fear and insecurity that makes us look for answers every step of the way.
I used to suffer from inferiority complex. Maybe I still do.  But thinking about it,  maybe everyone is travelling in the same boat. everyone is just as insecured about themselves as I am. Only, some of us have realised it and others didn't and they cheat themsleves just to avoid facing the truth.
I was reading a book by Eliyahu goldratt. In it, he talks how all the problems in a company are manifestations of one small problem and just solving that one problem,  would solve everything. Its so true in life too,  isn't it?
Every problem we think we have is conceived by us,  in our mind. And I think the inception of all problems is the need to satisfy or impress others. We fear what people might think of is.  We fear how we will look infront of others if we do something we like.  Why should others have such an important role in our life? Until recently I didn't want anyone to read my blog, because I thought I sucked at writing,  because I thought it was amateur.  But why should we be afraid about what others might think!
If we could just detach our emotions from influencing or being influenced by other's,  how peaceful our lives would be! 

Thursday, 25 September 2014

A Society Against Women 2

I was in my eleventh and I was walking back from tuition.  It was around seven at night and I was wearing a Jean and tee.  A bike came so close to me and the old man riding it grabbed my back as he drove past. My "friends"  on hearing this advised me not to wear jeans and to stick with salwar.

I was returning from a shop at the end of our street. Two guys in a scooter,  whistled at me and kept riding back in rounds. A man,  who was walking beside,  who considered  himself to be the moral police of the street, asked who the guys were.  I said I didn't know and kept walking. When I reached home, he stopped, called my mom and complained to her that I attracted the guys and made them come back to me.

I was in ninth, and went to a shop in our street,  with my friend and her little brother.  I was wearing a sleeveless top.  A man,  well into his fifties,  who was walking by,  stopped on seeing me,  came inside the shop,  stood close to me for a while,  then bought a condom.  My friend commented that happened only because I was wearing a sleeveless top.

I was sitting with my friend in the school bus. I was at the window seat.   I smiled at something she said and simultaneously looked out the window and co-incidentally,  some guy,  a mechanic,  was standing on the road.  My friend's mother,  a teacher at our school saw this and thought I was smiling at the random mechanic guy.  After that, my friend was never allowed to sit with me.