Friday, 26 September 2014

Men have nothing to fear! We will never indulge in male infanticide!

Female infanticide is a crime?  But why give life to a girl,  if you are not gonna let her LIVE? 

1. My aunt adviced my nephew,  who is 5 years old and afraid of dark,  that BOYS shouldn't be afraid of anything.
2. When a five year old girl,a smart Lil girl,  in my brother's apartment comes home to play with my nephew,  and dictates the rules of the games, my family comments on her "bossy attitude"
3. I've had students in my college get surprised when they found I was good in academics,  because according to them,  good looking girls are dumb.
4. When I refused invitations to be friends with some guys in my college,  because I had standards,  they started abusing me over phone,  sent obscene  messages, wrote stories  about my body parts and sexual endeavours on the campus walls.
5. Our college principal advised me to adjust with such guys because they are dangerous since they drink and do drugs.  And ironically our college hostel has 6:30pm curfew for girls and free night on Saturdays,  for boys.
6. One of my friends was hit on by some guy,  and her well wishers adviced her to tell she was already in a relationship and not she wasn't interested because apparently,  girls can't have a choice.
7. In a business ethics session,  at the company I worked for,  the speaker,  an ex air force official,  explained how women have to completely cover themselves up so men won't get distracted.
8. When we were getting ready to go out,  I asked my brother to pass my shoes, since he was standing close to the cupboard,  to which my family reacted like I had sinned.
9. Everyone's reaction on hearing I quit my job to become an entrepreneur is,  "how will any guy want to marry you now? "
10. My mom saves as much as she can because the expenses of the wedding should be bourne by the girl's family.
11. My mother's plan for my future: work in tata steel,  Jamshedpur,  until I'm married and quit my job to go to whichever city the guy is in, no matter what my ambitions are.  She is a professor and holds a PhD.
12. So many of my school and college friends I connected with,  on Facebook asked, if my next step in life was to get married.  Why can't the first question to a girl be what are you gonna study next or,  what is your dream job?!
13. As I'm typing,  I can hear my sister in law advising her son,  he shouldn't gossip because only women do that!
14. Every girl's family I know,  wants their daughters to learn to do household work, so they can be a good wife and a good daughter in law.
15. My friend's mom wanted a daughter in law because she was tired of doing all the household work.

I understand men are insecured,  that we might grow and take over them. But why would women be so mean to their own kind?! 


  1. Good one based on your personal exp :) btw, when did u quit your job?

  2. Women were pretty much under a man's leashes back in those times under the pretext of 'religious laws' .It is pretty obvious that these so-called laws were framed my men just so a woman does not tower over him. Let's face it,They still are like that.Women in Orthodox societies like ours are still blinded by this 'tradition' and 'culture' so much that even a sliver of talking back against it makes you a 'westernized brat' or so they say. I'm happy to see someone come out saying this without getting hated on. Nice work,Sahyujah! And wishing you all the very best for your future :)

  3. Well said and thanku Shrrudhi
