Wednesday, 26 November 2014

The Virtue Of Desire

To want and not need
To be wanted and not needed.

In a discussion group,  we were posed a question to list out the needs in our life.

People came up with so many things like air,  food,  love,  happiness,  etc.

But I believe there is no such thing as "need".  It's about how we train our mind to perceive things. We have the power to define to ourselves what we need and don't.

I have always seen "need"  as a negative thing.  When I see professing their love ad something they "need"  in their life I stop respecting the person. Need doesn't instill love.

I have always found need as something that keeps us satisfied with mediocrity.  We also get so emotionally and psycologically attached with what we define as our needs and forget the meaning of Life, if at all we don't get it,  or lose it.

NASA has confirmed a theory and technique where, with practice and discipline we could trap sun's energy incrementally and live  without food.  So there goes, one of the basic necessities of life! I'm sure we humans have enough capacity to find alternatives to everything we have defined as "needs".  It's only a matter of time.

When I think of a life lived fully,  I can only imagine one where, there were no needs but numerous wants.

On contrary to the general belief,  I believe lust,  wants,  desires are all virtues.  Since these are the modes of our appreciation for something wonderful,  something beautiful. 

Because we "want" things for what they are,  we understand their value,  we want it for the sake of love and lust rather than to just satisfy our "thirst"  and this lust and passion will what drive us towards excellence.


  1. well said.. need is an illusion which satisfies our craving for dopamine..!!

  2. well said.. need is an illusion which satisfies our craving for dopamine..!!
